Thank you @cbc @ourtorontocbc @shannonmartintv for featuring @ceetoronto this weekend. The segment highlighted their history, their new space and the important work they are doing to help Black youth thrive by providing skills and education for the workforce

@ceetoronto Executive Director, @gapsrandom did an interview on @ctv with @angieseth this weekend. She was on the Realities of Racism panel and discussed mental health barriers in BIPOC communities.

Agapi Gessesse Joins The Globe and Mail's Rita Trichur and Robyn Doolittle with an impressive group of speakers to discuss gender parity in corporate Canada.

Agapi Gessesse Partnered with @soiaandkyo and @the.female.empowerment.project Her hope is that project inspires women to show up as their full selves every day without apology.

The LCBO's community impact would not be possible without their generous customers, dedicated employees, and Good Partners. As part of their partnership with CEE, we worked with Corex Creative to produce the first Impact Video.

Change is a fact of life. It can renew our perspective of the world or how we act within it. While change helps some of us get ahead, it can leave others behind. To help create the conditions so everyone has the chance to succeed in a changing world, TD is targeting C$1 billion by 2030 towards community giving in four areas that support change, nurture progress and contribute to making the world a better, more inclusive place. That is the TD Ready Commitment.

Agapi Gessesse Executive Director, at CEE Center for Young Black Professionals, did a segment on @ctvreginalive recently. She discussed diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how changes need to start from the top

Agapi Gesseesse, Executive Director of CEE Centre For Young Black Professionals joined the “Realities of Racism” panel on @ctvnews this weekend. She shared her thoughts about the federal election and what she hopes to see for the Black community

Agapi Gessesse had the opportunity to discuss my thoughts on the upcoming federal election with @bnnbloomberg and my hopes for my community. This election is fast approaching and we all need to be alert and informed! On September 20 we have a duty to participate and make our voices and lives matter

The Walrus Talks Advancing Work brought together leaders like Agapi Gessesse to share insights and discuss opportunities for supporting workers and strengthening communities across the nation.

CP24 visited CEE Center for Young Black Professionals’ new space. Agapi Gessesse the Executive Director, Spoke with @jeeyuntv about the different programs they offer and the importance of the next space.

Executive Director of Careers Education Empowerment Center for Black Professionals did an interview with @angieseth on @ctvnews today. She spoke about how we can bring racial diversity to corporate Canada.